Are there any choices you would have changed?
As someone who has lived both experiences, being a student and being a teacher, I can tell that it is something that has helped me to understand better the work of a teacher since it is really difficult to anticipate the possible situations that can interrupt the fluency of a class. Nonetheless, after watching this video I've realized that by using different strategies, it is easier to deal with some essential problems.
Many of the problems I have seen are related to students' concentration, hence it is easy for them to get distracted, but on the video, I could notice that the teacher used different strategies that benefited his work. He gave a well-prepared class in which every activity was timed. This helped the teacher to avoid common distractions, as they are chatting before or after completing the tasks.
Another thing that I consider interesting and useful to do, is preparing students for the content that is going to be later seen. Therefore the warm-up activity that this teacher prepared was a good resource for activating students' prior knowledge, in order to know what they already knew about Thanksgiving Day, and in that way, to cover the information that they didn't handle yet.
Finally, another positive aspect that I could observe during his class, was that he used written material for reading, but the way he took advantage of it was dynamic since he asked different students to read and tell what they could understand, but then he pointed to another student to summarize what his classmate had just said.
As a result of his strategy, students had to be always aware of what was happening in the classroom and if they got distracted, he restated what they were studying.
Personally, despite that there were a few aspects that I didn't like, I agree with most of his work, thanks to the fact that there was no down time during the class. Additionally, he worried about giving a start and a close to the lesson, with activities that helped students to get a logical understanding of the topic. So, for these reasons, I wouldn't have changed any essential aspect of his class.
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